Fiber Protector by Mafi: a powerful option to disinfect the work place during and after COVID-19 March 23, 2020

Fiber Protector by Mafi: a powerful option to disinfect the workplace during and after COVID-19

As the COVID-19 pandemic impacts us all, many businesses are scrambling to effectively disinfect their workplaces. Especially challenging is the disinfecting of soft goods such as chairs and carpets without causing fabric damage. Fortunately, not only is Fiber Protector by Mafi a recognized COVID-19 disinfectant (the carrying agent for Fiber Protector solvent base is 99.9% […]

Royal Carribbean International Cruise January 15, 2019

Royal Caribbean International

On board ships, cruise passengers expect carpets, curtains and similar materials to be spotless. The application of Fiber Protector…

Corporate Aircrafts January 15, 2019

Dassault Falcon Jet

We decided to make Fiber Protector our standard fabric protection treatment, as it offers superior protection over the chemicals…